Acoustic Geophone Pig Tracking Equipment
Pigtek Acoustic Geophone Pig Tracking Equipment enables pig tracking personnel to listen to a pig as it traverses a pipeline. The system operates by the pig tracking sensor detecting the vibration
generated by the pig as it traverses internal weld beads and other pipeline fittings such as valves, tees etc. These low energy pulses on the pipewall are then amplified and the signal is processed through the control unit to produce an audio output via headphones. The pulses are generated when the cups or discs of a pig encounter internal weld beads between the pipes and fittings.
The pig tracking sensor is placed either in the ground above the pipeline or directly onto exposed pipework. The sensor is connected by cable to the monitoring unit and the audio output can then be heard through headphones or a loudspeaker. Volume and sensitivity controls are easily adjusted to suit the pig tracking operation. In good conditions it is possible to hear a pig using the Pigtek Acoustic Geophone Pig Tracking Equipment at a distance of up to 10 km from the sensor. The equipment is powered by 4 x PP3 batteries.
This equipment will allow the operator to assess whether the pig is moving steadily through the pipeline and by timing between welds the operator can establish the approximate velocity of the pig.
The Pigtek Acoustic Geophone Pig Tracking Equipment is a fully portable system and is an ideal complement to our Above Ground Magnetic Pig Tracking Equipment and Electronic Pig Monitoring Equipment.
Pipeline pig tracking is a valuable aid, if not a critical component of many pigging operations. However, the correct preparation, selection and use of tracking equipment together with the correct pig design, is integral to the overall success.
Pig Tracking Services
Pigtek have provided pig tracking services and pig location services for many different pigging operations covering thousands of kilometres of pipeline across the world. Operations such as pipeline clearance, pipeline proving and gauging, pipeline cleaning programmes and stuck or lost pig location and removal operations all benefit from reliable pig tracking and location.
Pigtek use our own high specification Above Ground Magnetic Pig Tracking Equipment and Acoustic Geophone Pig Tracking Equipment for pig tracking operations. Pig tracking services enable the progress of a pig to be carefully monitored as it traverses a pipeline route. This service is essential when performing critical operations such as Nitrogen pipeline clearances, pipeline cleaning and pipeline inspection.
Pigtek can also supply purpose built, fully trackable and locatable pigs to suit most applications.