If your business or enterprise relies on the use of several pipelines, or a sophisticated pipe network, then you may already know that keeping your lines clean and well-maintained is absolutely crucial. Pipelines left to clog up and deteriorate will, eventually, lead to customer and client disappointment. At worst, it may also lead to health problems if you are responsible for delivering drinking water, for example. That’s why it has never been more important to ensure you have a leading pipeline cleaning company working with you to keep things running at a healthy, optimum level.

Pigtek is a brand with years of experience in building and engineering the best pipeline pigs for inspection, cleaning, and maintenance. When you have a particularly long or complex pipeline, it is never easy to make sure it is clean and clear without some form of pigging equipment. Rather than undertake inspections and cleaning on your own, however, it is always recommended that you look for help from an experienced pipeline cleaning company with the best expertise and tools to support you.

But what should you be looking for in the best pipeline cleaning team? Let’s take a look.



One of the key factors a pipeline specialist should offer you is the ability to be flexible and bespoke. At Pigtek, we understand that no two pipelines and pipe networks are the same. That is why we offer a custom approach to pig design and build.

Whenever you approach our team for help with pipeline cleaning, we will make sure to design the perfect pig resources which will not only fit your pipelines, but which will also clean and maintain them thoroughly, removing any nuisance dirt and debris which might be clogging up your pipes.


pigging and pipeline cleaningExperience

Pigging is our bread and butter. We have spent years building up a vast array of pipeline cleaning solutions and pig hardware, meaning that we are at the forefront of our industry. We have helped companies and suppliers all over the UK, and even helped to design the world’s biggest pipeline pig.

Experience is crucial when considering hiring a pipeline cleaning company. While everyone has to start somewhere, years of proven experience will ensure that you have access to a team – and services – which will keep your pipes clean and clear for ongoing use across the months to come.



Falling in line with adaptability, the best pipeline cleaning firm for you will also be receptive to your timescale needs. We understand that cleaning pipelines is crucial to the running and overall health of many businesses. Therefore, we work to be as flexible and as available to our customers and clients as physically possible.

This means that, as well as being available for one off jobs and services, we will also provide a regular service to those pipelines in need of constant maintenance. Crucially, you must understand that cleaning a pipeline the once is not going to prevent it from building up in dirt, gunk, and debris in future. You’re going to need a regular plan of action.


A Healthy Approach to Testing

Here at Pigtek, while we are confident in all the work we do for our clients, we understand that there is always going to be the need for testing and trialling pigs before actively deploying them. Therefore, instead of launching pigs through your pipelines before considering their deeper ramifications, we will take the time to test and trial them, to gauge pipeline pigs, before we deploy or launch anything.

This means that if we do need to make any tweaks or changes to your bespoke cleaning pig, we can – and will. You should always choose a pipeline cleaning firm who is willing to make these changes, and to test pipelines and technology before they start the physical cleaning process. Otherwise, you could risk seriously damaging your pipes in the process.


The worlds larget pipeline pig and Pigtek employees

Need Help Cleaning Your Pipelines?

When it comes to actively cleaning your pipelines, Pigtek ensures to tick all the right boxes. We are a leading pipeline pig design and build company, offering pigs for deployment across various purposes and demands.

If you are struggling to keep your pipelines clean and clear, make sure to get in touch with a leading, local pipeline cleaning company who can support you in all that you do. Set up a regular cleaning plan with Pigtek now – call us on +44 (0) 1246 850220 to find out more or email us with your details and we will get back in touch as soon as we can.

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Pipeline Pig Testing and Trialling